Houston, Texas, September 1, 2012—Now that the Supreme Court has
upheld the Affordable Care Act, what does that mean for YOU?
The Healthy Lives, Healthy Futures
Symposium will be held September 7th -10th to educate an estimated 1.1 million
uninsured and under insured members of the Greater Houston area community and
healthcare providers on accessing healthcare. The purpose of the
symposium is to simplify the Affordable Care Act and to inform people on what
the law will pay for, will not pay for and any out-of-pocket costs to expect in
2014. The event is free to everyone.
The event for the general public
will be held on Sunday, September 9th from 3:30- 6:30 pm. A variety of
healthcare experts will be available Sunday afternoon to answer questions on
how to access healthcare. Featured speakers, Randall Wright, MD and Veronica D.
Moore, will speak about the impact of the Act to American citizens and what to
expect when going from “sick care to health care.”
Monday, September 10th, the behavioral
healthcare providers the keynote speaker is Michael Duffy, Regional
Administrator for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
(SAMHSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Providers
will discuss the laws and applications of the Act. Breakout sessions will
be held on topics including billing, integration with health care providers and
program efficacy.
Monday and Sunday’s events will be held at the
Kingdom Builders Center, 6011 West Orem Houston, Texas 77085.
Seminars for medical healthcare
providers are on Friday, September 7th, the faith based community has focused
seminars on Saturday, September 8th. Both events featured speakers
include Linda Waling, Faithful Reform in Health Care, and Bob Crittenden,
Executive Director, Herndon Alliance. These events will be held in the
Community Room at St. Paul's United Methodist Church located at 5501 Main
Street Houston, TX 77004. For more information, visit www.gatewaytocare.org.
more information, visit the Coalition of Healthy Futures on Facebook or
www.healthyfuturescoalition.org. Organizations interested in community
enrollment opportunities on September 9th should email Martha Grady,
Gateway to Care, at: Martha.grady@gatewaytocare.org for the Enrollment
Fair-Table Reservation form.
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