Sunday, November 18, 2012

Houston Learns Facts About Affordable Healthcare

Houston, Texas, November 18, 2012 The Greater Houston Coalition of Healthy Futures is celebrating the success of a great turn out at the Healthy Lives, Healthy Futures Symposium.  The big story for the weekend was the protection of customers instead of companies, ways to prevent the misuse and abuse of Medicare and the elimination of rejection from insurance plans because of preexisting conditions. 

Although the Affordable Care Act does not officially go into effect until the year 2014, some parts of the law are already active and are affecting the lives of Houstonians now.  For the next sixteen months an estimated 5,600 people can and will receive insurance because insurance companies can no longer exclude children with preexisting conditions, like asthma or diabetes.  Small businesses may be able to receive a tax credit up to $7,400 for providing healthcare to employees and an estimated 3.3 million will most likely be eligible for Medicaid.     

Houstonians were happy and are looking forward to the Affordable Care Act ending the abuse and misuse of Medicare made by practices, providers and agents which in turn will actually strengthen Medicare. For example, right now Medicare pays prescription costs for senior citizens up to a certain dollar amount.  After that dollar amount, the senior is then forced to pay out of pocket for their prescriptions until Medicare kicks back in and pay for prescriptions again.  This effect is called the “doughnut hole” and with the Affordable Care Act we can expect for the doughnut holes to be phased out by the year 2020.

Each day of the symposium was focused on a specific audience.  Friday was for medical providers, Saturday the religious community, Sunday included the entire Houston community and Monday was for behavioral and mental health providers.  

A few Texas celebrities and government officials were in attendance at the symposium.  Fox 26 news anchor, Jose Grinan, acted as Master of Ceremonies and stressed how important it is to take care of ourselves.  Health and Human Services Regional Director, Marjorie Petty, educated providers on Act’s impact on women and women’s health service issues. 

Other featured speakers were. Executive Director of Faithful Reform in Health Care, Reverend Linda Walling engaged audiences in interactive conversations and answered direct questions about the upcoming healthcare reform.  Mr. Michael Duffy warned behavioral health providers to become Medicaid licensed, to integrate with a health care partner and discussed the challenges of certified electronic health records.


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